“And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Jesus did not commission His followers to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, or Judea, or Samaria, or to the ends of the earth. He commanded us to live as witnesses locally and globally. International missions encompassing and supporting a holistic view of transformation are central to the mission of Grace Hills Church.
We partner with various missionaries who aim to bring Gospel-rooted transformation to communities across the world in word and deed.

Tim & Patti Long
Baja, Mexico (International Ministries)

Wayne & Katherine Niles
Congo (International Ministries)

Barry & Shiela Maique
Philippines (Word of Life Ministries)

Pastor Orhan
Turkey (Turkish Connections International)

Ron & Debbie Fuqua
Torrance (Wycliffe Bible Translation)

Burkina Faso
A-Assist R-Reach M-Multiply