“And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Jesus called his disciples first to Jerusalem – their local community. For us, this means serving the people and needs of Aliso Viejo and Laguna Woods. We do this not only through our internal ministries but through prayerful, active partnership with existing local missions and parachurch organizations.
We partner with organizations and services that aim to support individuals and local communities by meeting various tangible and spiritual needs (housing, education, church-planting, health and wellness, poverty alleviation, etc.)

Transformation Ministries
Transformation Ministries exists to build a movement of mission-empowering relationships by deepening and developing pastors as spiritual leaders coaching and networking churches toward greater health and missional vitality supporting and initiating viable church planting partnerships. (Affiliated w/ Atherton, Rainbow Acres, etc.)

Orange County Rescue Mission
The Orange County Rescue Mission operates to minister the love of Jesus Christ to the least, the last, and the lost of the Orange County Community through the provision of assistance in the areas of guidance, counseling, education, job training, shelter, food, clothing, health care and independent living communities.

Atherton Baptist Home
Founded in 1914, Atherton is a licensed, not-for-profit Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), also known as a Life Plan Community, providing independent living, in-home care, assisted living, skilled nursing, short-term rehab, and hospice services to meet the changing needs of people as they age.

Ironwood Christian Camp
Ironwood is a home missions ministry using the unique aspects of the camping ministry to reach young people for the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen families, and serve local churches. It is a place of decision in the areas of salvation, full surrender, and consistent Christian walk.

Rainbow Acres
Rainbow Acres is a Christian community with heart that empowers persons with developmental disabilities to live to their fullest potential with dignity and purpose. We provide exceptional housing, life-enriching programs, and loving, holistic care in a safe, vibrant, inclusive ranch-style community.