Every 3rd Sunday of the Month | Following Service

Go To Lunch Sunday

Instead of our usual fellowship gathering following service, we will be having a Go To Lunch Sunday where we want to challenge you to go out to lunch with someone new!

Wednesday, April 2 | 6:30pm

Theology & Culture Teaching Night – Musical Worship

Join us for a night of teaching through the biblical, theological, and historical influences of musical worship. Whether you love hymns, modern worship, or just want to understand the “why” of musical worship, this night is for you!

Saturday, April 12 | 10:00am

Grace Women Spring Event

Sign-Up Here! 

Create a beautiful floral arrangement to take home and enjoy leading up to Easter! A floral expert will guide you step-by-step. Light refreshments provided. It is $20 and all materials are included. 

Sunday, April 20 | 10:00am

Easter Sunday Service

Join us for our Easter service, celebrating the ressurection of our Savior! You can expect free coffee and pasteries after service in the Fellowship Center! Invite a friend!

June 12-14 | Sign-up here!

DisneySea Camp – $300 per student if signed up before April 12! 

We are partnering with Crossing Church Escondido for an unforgettable 3-day adventure!

  • Day 1 – Disneyland
  • Day 2 – SeaWorld
  • Day 3 – A camp-style experience at a local church with big group games and a powerful guest speaker!

Save The Date: June 23-27

Wonder Junction VBS 

Join us for a week of cowboy fun as we teach about the wonderous life of Jesus!