Grace Hills Church has ministries for everyone.
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, we care about your growth as a maturing disciple and have a ministry plan in place for you to succeed.
There is a lot going on at Grace Hills Church.
It’s easy to fade into the crowd. Let’s work together to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Because we need you. And you need us. Church is built upon the collective strength, gifts, and talents of the people that call it home. Therefore, every person matters. From the small child to the greyed senior; everyone is equally valued and equally essential. Find your place in the ministry tabs below. Don’t see a fit for you? No problem. Just call us, and we will help you find a ministry home.
“To challenge and equip men to honor Jesus, love our families, and serve our church and community.” Men’s Breakfast Start your weekend off the right way by enjoying good food, fellowship, and God’s Word with other men at Grace Hills Church. We meet for our men’s breakfast the 3rd Saturday of the month and we hope you can join us; it all starts at 8:00 am and ends at 9:15am; in our Fellowship Center. A round of golf usually follows the breakfast. Men’s Retreat During the month of September our guys attend a men’s conference at Thousand Pines Campus in Crestline; the retreat is always an excellent opportunity for men of all ages to be challenged by God’s Word while enjoying fun and fellowship during the weekend. Ministry Leader: Jim Calderon
Grace Women
Our vision for women’s ministry is based out of the gathering of the Acts 2 church (Acts 2:42-47) and Titus 2 principles.
- Gathering with intentionality to connect/fellowship as women
- Growing in spiritual maturity through discipleship
- Giving (or Equipping) through teaching, studies and discipleship
- Going and make disciples
Coming together as a community of sisters in Christ to encourage and equip one another as we serve, fellowship, and become more fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Our women’s ministry events are aimed at all women within our church family and the community around us. Please feel welcome and bring a friend!
Our Senior’s Ministry seeks to support and connect seniors together through church events, Sunday School and Life Groups. In addition to the Sunday School class that meets in the Chapel on Sundays at 11:00am, we also offer a Life Group commonly referred to as “Wednesday in the Word” that meets in the Chapel on Wednesdays at 10:30am.
- Potluck Lunch – First Wednesday of every month at 11:45am in the Fellowship Center
For more information, call the church office at (949) 837-2435.
The worship ministry of Grace Hills Church seeks to create a meaningful worship environment of weighty exaltation of God through honest conversation with God. We believe the songs we sing have power to unite us across generations under the banner of Christ. In both our contemporary and traditional worship services, our aim is to be an invisible bridge between our congregation and God.
Our team is made up of volunteers of all ages who share a passion for worshiping Jesus through song. If you have an interest in serving – instrumentalists, vocalists, production team (slides, sound, video) – we have a spot for you!
Please contact David Kudenchuk if you are interested in learning more about serving with Grace Hills worship ministry.
Growth Group provides structure in teaching God Word
A systematic teaching of the Bible needs to happen at all age levels. Children, youth and adults need to be given opportunities to discover, review, and interact as they study God’s Word.
Growth Group targets Bible teaching to specific age groups.
It means an energetic four-year old can learn biblical truth by acting out a Bible story, coloring a page or singing a worship song. It means students gain a clear and deeper understanding of the Bible. This is accomplished by teaching the students how to read and study the Word of God. Adults study a section of the Bible, relating the study to their life experiences and struggles, while learning from others in their class.
Growth Group provides opportunities for prayer and relationships.
Since Growth Group classes are usually small (less than 25 people), it is a safe environment for real conversation about the Bible. By engaging in conversation with others, listening to their questions and hearing the answers, people soon learn they are not alone in their efforts to understand the Word and live out their faith.
Growth Group leads the church in prayer and relationships.
In preschool, children, youth and adult classes, prayer can be personal and targeted to needs of the class members. It gives opportunities to respond to specific needs, informal conversations flow easily in Growth Group classes where care is expressed and relationships can grow.
- Nursery 9:15am – Room 101 (children’s center)
- Preschool 9:15am – Room 102-103 (children’s center)
- Children 9:15am – Room 104 (children’s center)
- Adult Sunday School 9:15am or 11:00am – Chapel (ministry center)
- Kid’s Ministry 6:30pm
- Youth Ministry 6:30pm
GriefShare – Your journey from mourning to joy
Why GriefShare?
After the funeral, when the the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues and you feel alone.
Often, friends and family want to help you, but don’t know how. That’s the reason for GriefShare. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We understand how you feel because we’ve been in the same place. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future.
About GriefShare
GriefShare is a network of 15,000+ churches worldwide equipped to offer grief support groups. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief.
What to Expect
GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly. You’ll find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an “oasis” on your long journey through grief. There are three key parts to your GriefShare experience:
- Video Seminar – Encouraging, information-packed videos featuring leading grief recovery experts
- Support Group – Small group discussion about the weekly video content
- Workbook – Journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics
Our Weekly Schedule
- Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm for Men & Women
- January 23 – April 24, 2025
More Information:
- Website:
- Contact: Church Office
What is Stephen Ministry? They are the “After People”.
After the phone call; After the divorce papers; After the funeral; After the doctor calls; After the gavel goes down; After the nursing home director shakes your hand; After you are handed the pink slip. Stephen Ministers are the “After People”.
What is a Stephen Minister?
A Stephen Minister is a person trained to provide one-to-one, Christ-centered care to hurting people.
Stephen Leaders oversee this ministry for our congregation by:
- Building awareness of Stephen Ministry within the congregation and community
- Recruiting and training Stephen Ministers
- Meeting with potential care receivers to assess their needs
- Matching care receivers with Stephen Ministers
- Providing Stephen Ministers with ongoing supervision and continuing education
People learn to serve as Stephen Leaders by attending a Leader’s Training Course—a one-week conference that introduces the resources used to lead Stephen Ministry, develops key skills and gets people excited about this caring ministry. Most congregations begin with two to four Stephen Leaders, typically including a pastor, possibly another church staff person, and one or more lay leaders.
To learn more, call the church office at 949-837-2435 or email Jeri South.
The Missions Ministry at Grace Hills Church seeks to touch lives by investing in our own community, our nation and by reaching out globally. We support mission organizations that help with needs locally, nationally and globally. Both your designated contributions and 10% of your tithe is directed to our missions program.
For more information about our current missions initiative, click here.
These are the current Mission Ministries we are supporting with our prayer and financial gifts:
- Atherton Baptist Home – ministering to retired ministers and missionaries.
- Burkina Faso Mission (Adama) – planting churches in an unengaged group (Samogho people) in West Africa.
- Congo Missions (Wayne & Katherine Niles) – equipping local churches and meeting physical needs of people in the Congo.
- International Ministries – sending missionaries to ministries around the world.
- Ironwood Christian Camp – reaching and training children, youth and adults with a camping ministry.
- Mexico Mission (Tim & Patty Long) – training of pastors to local churches in Mexico and teaching special needs children.
- Orange County Rescue Mission – meeting physical needs, job training and sharing Christ in Orange County.
- Philippines Mission (Barry Maique) – sharing Christ in public schools, starting Bible clubs on campuses and developing youth ministries in churches.
- Rainbow Acres – caring for and training for Christian service mentally and emotionally challenged adults.
- Romania Mission (Ron & Debbie Fuqua) – sharing Christ and helping plant churches with an unreached people group.
- Special Mission Projects – funding of ministry projects: ESL, Good News Clubs and short term mission trips as there is need and opportunity.
- Transformation Ministries – supporting and planting of healthy churches.
- Turkish Connection International (Dr. Richard Freeman) – planting new churches in Turkey and supporting pastors in their persecuted ministries.
Iglesia Embajadores De Paz
Capilla – 4:00PM – Dr. Eduardo Font
(562) 716-1222 |
Irvine Japanese Christian Church
Chapel – 2:00PM – Rev. Tsukasa Sugimura
714-234-4778 |
Your Next Right Step
24521 Moulton Parkway Aliso Viejo, CA, 92637
Join us this Sunday in person at 9:15am for contemporary worship or at 11:00am for traditional worship. You can also catch the live stream of our 9:15am service on our YouTube channel – just click on the YouTube link below.
Grace Hills Church
Join us every Sunday at 9:15am and 11:00am.